Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t live in Travis County, can I still file there?
Yes, Residency is not required to file in Travis County.
I haven’t had surgery, can I still get my gender marker changed?
Yes, Travis County judges have been trained to use the same verbiage that is used to update a passport.
My child is under 18, can they still change their documents?
Yes, both parents must be on-board. Contact us if your child is under 10.
I have a criminal background, can I get my info update?
Yes. All criminal history needs to be disclosed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get it done.
– You will need to be completely “off papers” for two years before you can go to court for a name and/or gender marker change.
– Please, be honest with your volunteer attorney. They want to do the best to set you up for success.
I heard it costs a lot of money to file. I don’t have that kind of money, what do I do?
The court systems have a “fee waiver”. In order to see if you qualify, you must fill out the affidavit of inability to pay. See the video below the FAQs for instructions to fill out the Statement of Inability to Afford Payment.
Do I have to go to Austin to file?
No, we encourage everyone to e-file. Submitting your documents online.
Do I need a therapist note?
No, we encourage everyone to get a doctor’s note and use that. The same note used for this can be used to update your passport when and if you want to get that done.
Can I get an X gender marker?
Not on a Texas id or driver’s license. You can get a passport if that is important to you.
Will my fingerprint card expire?
No. The card must be signed by someone who witnessed you inking your fingerprints.
Why does the order say sex/gender marker?
Texas does not recognize a gender marker on state documents. It only uses the designation “sex marker”. This is especially important if you have a Texas birth certificate.
– If the word “sex” isn’t there you will need a new court order.
Why did you give me a petition and an order?
The petition is asking the court to grant the name and/or gender marker.
The order is what the judge signs ordering other institutions to do what they said. For example, change your name.
I already did all my paperwork in another state, why do I have to do it again?
Because Texas does not recognize orders for other states. Unfortunately, you will have to go through the process again.
Can TLACT help me with other legal issues?
No, unfortunately we cannot.
Statement of Inability to Afford Payment
Watch for instructions for how to fill out the statement of inability to afford payment.
Efiling Petition to Travis County
Watch for instructions for how to efile your petition and order to Travis county.