TLACT is a volunteer-run, non-profit, pro se legal clinic. TLACT assists trans and non-binary people in obtaining name and/or gender marker corrections in the state of Texas.


Trans Legal Aid Clinic of Texas connects Trans and non-binary people who need to change their names and/or gender markers on legal documents through volunteer lawyers trained in the process. TLACT seeks to make the legal process more understandable and accessible to folks who need it most.


TLACT envisions a Texas where trans and non-binary residents and those born here can easily and seamlessly apply to get their name and/or gender marker changed.


In 2014, local trans advocate and activist, Lou Weaver (he/him) brought together 4 attorney friends to find a way to help other trans Texans obtain a legal transition. Weaver had been able to get his own name and gender marker changed in 2011 through a bit of privilege. He knew how daunting it was and knew he had the network to create a pathway to an easier system. Attorneys Ashlee Dunham (she/her), Daney De La O (she/her), Fran Watson (she/her), and Kris Banks (he/him) joined Lou. In 2015, The Trans Legal Aid Clinic of Houston (TLACH) became a certified 501(c) 3 non-profit with Weaver being the first president. It has always been important to be a trans-led organization. As TLACH started helping Houston trans people it was obvious that Harris County’s process was slow and complicated. The attorneys were driving to Austin to file in Travis County. Around the same time, an amazing advocate in Austin, Claire Bow (she/her) was using her time and expertise to educate the judges in Travis County. Our participants are benefitting from Claire’s hard work to this day.

In 2019, Pete Makopoulos-Senftleber (he/him) graduated law school, passed the bar exam, and became the next president. As a trans man and an attorney, Pete was the best suited to lead the clinic forward. The clinic was starting to hit its stride. The processes were becoming streamlined, and a regular schedule was in place. Then, COVID hit. While COVID created challenges it also forced TLACH to be creative and find new ways to engage with the community. Enter virtual clinics! During the summer of 2020, the clinics went completely virtual every other month. The org was able to help more people and people outside of the greater Houston area. TLACH was reaching people as far away as The Valley, El Paso, and Lubbock. In 2021 the organization officially changed the name to the Trans Legal Clinic of Texas (TLACT) to fully reflect the work and distance covered. Also, in 2021 the in-person clinics were started back up and clinics started happening every month to keep up with the volume of trans and non-binary Texans wanting a legal transition.

Be Legally You


Pete Makopoulos-Senftleber (he/him)

Board Chair

Ingrid Norbergs (she/her)

Board Vice Chair

Ian Wright (he/him)

Board Secretary

Cassandra Robles (she/her)

Board Member

Emory Powers (he/him)

Board Member

Kelci Atkins (she/her)

Board Member

Laura Lopez (she/her)

Board Member

Megan Mikutis (she/her)

Board Member

Lou Weaver (he/him)

Board Member

Simon Willis (he/him)

Board Member